3. Installing CriticalUp

This chapter describes how to install CriticalUp.

Before proceeding, you should identify the platform you want to install onto. You must pick the platform of the host you’re going to install CriticalUp on.

Based on the platform you chose, you must follow the directions for the relevant operating system. Installation and usage does not differ between processor architectures unless otherwise noted.

3.1. Linux

From a terminal run:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf https://github.com/ferrocene/criticalup/releases/latest/download/criticalup-installer.sh | sh

This will install CriticalUp into $HOME/.cargo/bin/criticalup.

CriticalUp will create a state directory where it installs toolchains in $XDG_DATA_HOME/criticalup, or if that environment variable is not set, $HOME/.local/share/criticalup.

To uninstall, remove $HOME/.cargo/bin/criticalup then delete the state directory.

3.2. MacOS

From a terminal run:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf https://github.com/ferrocene/criticalup/releases/latest/download/criticalup-installer.sh | sh

This will install CriticalUp into $HOME/.cargo/bin/criticalup.

CriticalUp will create a state directory where it installs toolchains in $HOME/Library/Application Support/criticalup.

To uninstall, remove $HOME/.cargo/bin/criticalup then delete the state directory.

3.3. Windows

We recommend using the MSI installation method. If you’d prefer not to use the MSI, a powershell based install is available.

3.3.1. MSI based

The recommended method of installation is to download and run the MSI.

This will install CriticalUp into C:\Program Files\criticalup by default, but the location is configurable in the installer interface.

CriticalUp will create a state directory where it installs toolchains in {FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}, usually %appdata%\criticalup.

To uninstall, use the Windows Add/Remove programs interface or run winget remove criticalup, then delete the state directory.

3.3.2. Powershell based

From a terminal run:

powershell -c "irm https://github.com/ferrocene/criticalup/releases/latest/download/criticalup-installer.ps1 | iex"

This will install CriticalUp into $HOME/.cargo/bin/criticalup.

CriticalUp will create a state directory where it installs toolchains in {FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}, usually %appdata%\criticalup.

To uninstall, remove $HOME/.cargo/bin/criticalup then delete the state directory.